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Here at K&S Fitness we believe living a healthy lifestyle begins with maintaining a strong and fit body. We know you are not looking to be Miss America or Mr Olympia. Our aim is to help you identify your goals, and to adopt fitness as a lifestyle, and to build functional strength  that will keep you able to do the things you love. Whether it’s toning up your muscles, dropping a little pounds, or just overall getting stronger. We will help you understand that this is a journey and not a sprint, we will help you understand what a fitness lifestyle is, and how to live it. We will design a functional training program that fits your needs and guide you through every exercise, every workout. 

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Half hour, forty-five minutes, or an hour sessions available. You will have one on one training sessions with one of our personal trainers. Specific designed training to cater to your specific goals. 



We will create a fitness program for you and your partner, with workouts designed to be fun for two. Partners keep each other pushing hard and laughing through the most challenging workouts and couples inspire each other and make this journey easier for the both of you.

Sporty Woman Stretching


One hour Led by one of our trainers, our groups tend to be 4-6 participants. We will have modifications to all exercises throughout our workout to encourage all levels of fitness. Small group training has been shown to increase camaraderie, accountability, and success for individuals in the group. When individuals exercise in a group, they establish relationships and make friends, which helps to increase adherence to the program.



To truly reach your goals we need nutrition to be a staple in your day to day life. You will be coached by myself, a certified professional in nutrition. My aim is to make this part of your journey the easiest and most importantly enjoyable. When you hear about nutrition, you immediately think these three things diet, cutting the food out you love, and eating bland and boring foods. These statements are a myth and I’m here to show you how enjoyable this part of your journey will be. Together we will focus in, and get your nutrition on point to make reaching your goals scientifically impossible. 

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